
KNITDIGOwas born in a highest level of more durable, washable and variable of super jeans.

它的專注 - 克服了所有市面上一班產品存在的 “橫痕、毛頭、僵硬” 之缺點,它的堅持 - 創造了與高級牛仔布完全相同的染色堅牢度,這些是市面上所有生產廠商所無法想像也無法達到的境界,也是運用 ” KNITDIGO單寧織 “ 來生產品牌商品的廠商,更能突出所有品牌之上的特殊價值!

KNITDIGO also represents a kind of concentration and insistence to the product. We overcome all the general weakness of jeans in the market such as horizontal trace, fluff and inflexible and creates the same color fastness as high quality jeans. Those good advantages are hardly reached or imagined by other manufactures in this industry. That is why we can stand out from other manufactures with the special KNITDIGOcreation.


KNITDIGOis waiting for you.

生產流程 Manufacturing process

其研發團隊為一群專業且資深的 “牛仔人” 也是一群將畢生精力與靈魂奉獻給牛仔業界的創作者,為追求更高的境界而不惜成本的採用長纖環錠紗,且運用 “牛仔人” 執著與大膽的特質,將由染紗、織布、成品製作及水洗加工等各種專業,都在我們的堅持下完美結合,並使用同一超高標準的要求下,完成這個幾乎不可能的任務!就只為了將其耐磨、耐洗、耐加工的程度,推向頂級牛仔品牌所夢想的藝術境界!

KNITDIGOis designed by a group of professional and experienced denim gurus who have devoted their whole lives and spirits for denim.

For reaching the best quality in KNITDIGO, they had spared no expense to use long fiber ring yarn to complete the mission impossible combing rope dyeing, fabric knitting, garment making and washing processes with the highest standard by using their attributes of devotion and boldness.


它的專注 - 克服了所有市面上一般產品存在的 “ 橫痕、毛頭、僵硬 ” 之缺點,它的堅持 - 創造了與高級牛仔布完全相同的染色堅牢度,這些是市面上所有生產廠商所無法想像也無法達到的境界,也是運用 ” KNITDIGO單寧織 “ 來生產品牌商品的廠商,更能突出所有品牌之上的特殊價值!

KNITDIGO was born in a highest level of more durable, washable and variable of super jeans.

KNITDIGO also represents a kind of concentration and insistence to the product. We overcome all the general weakness of jeans in the market such as horizontal trace, fluff and inflexible and creates the same color fastness as high quality jeans. Those good advantages are hardly reached or imagined by other manufactures in this industry. That is why we can stand out from other manufactures with the special KNITDIGO creation.


KNITDIGOis waiting for you.